command not found: ck-unlock-session

This evening I was updating my Gentoo laptop. While updating, my session were locked with the message, that to unlock it I have to use ck-unlock-session. Unfortunately shell told me that there is no such command on my laptop: └> ck-unlock-session zsh: command not found: ck-unlock-session In the vastness of the Internet found the solution, but it’s too long to remember: dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit" /org/freedesktop/ConsoleKit/Session1 org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit.Session.Unlock Session1 - session name and it may differs....

July 25, 2019

Gentoo: Building FireFox 63.0.3

Today I was trying to update FireFox on my Gentoo box and failed with error: 0:06.75 checking rustc version... 1.30.1 0:06.75 ERROR: Cargo package manager not found. 0:06.75 To compile Rust language sources, you must have 'cargo' in your path. 0:06.75 See for more information. 0:06.75 0:06.75 You can install cargo by running './mach bootstrap' 0:06.75 or by directly running the installer from 0:06.75 0:06.79 *** Fix above errors and then restart with\ 0:06....

November 21, 2018

Gentoo: Backslash as Yen char

If while browsing the internet you have a problem with backslash character which displayed as yen sign you can fix it this way. First, let’s install the appropriate fonts. emerge -av media-fonts/droid Then we have to enable them for wide system. eselect fontconfig enable 59-google-droid-sans.conf eselect fontconfig enable 59-google-droid-sans-mono.conf eselect fontconfig enable 59-google-droid-serif.conf Next step is to clean fonts cache. fc-cache -rf That’s all. P.S. Also I had a problem displaying cyrillic characters....

February 19, 2017 cannot open shared object file

Как то вечером, я решил, что стоит лечь по-раньше спать. Подумал, что надо бы выспаться, все дела, но перед этим просто загляну в ноутбук, и тут началось. Для чего то я одновременно запустил rtorrent + emerge -vuDN @world. Стоит ли говорить, что система установлена на шпиндельном hdd, поверх которого работает ssd cache (Bcache). Видимо из-за нагрузки, ноутбук завис и ни на какие действия не реагировал. “Семь бед - один ресет”, подумал я и перезагрузил ноутбук....

April 29, 2016