Today I was trying to update FireFox on my Gentoo box and failed with error:

0:06.75 checking rustc version... 1.30.1
0:06.75 ERROR: Cargo package manager not found.
0:06.75 To compile Rust language sources, you must have 'cargo' in your path.
0:06.75 See for more information.
0:06.75 You can install cargo by running './mach bootstrap'
0:06.75 or by directly running the installer from
0:06.79 *** Fix above errors and then restart with\
0:06.79                "/usr/bin/gmake -f build"
0:06.79 gmake: *** [ configure] Error 1

I have already installed virtual/cargo and dev-lang/rust. Also I found where cargo was already installed:

equery f dev-lang/rust|grep cargo

So the solution was simple:

sudo eselect rust update

This creates link required for build:

ls -l $(which cargo)
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 21 Nov 21 08:03 /usr/bin/cargo -> /usr/bin/cargo-1.30.1