Interesting exercise to implement shortcut in vim. Often while writing markdown files in vim I’m writing a lot of checkboxes. It’s a bit annoying to do by hand so let’s make a script and bind it to shortcut.

""" markdown shortcuts
function MarkdownCheckboxInsert()
  let l:line = line('.')
  let l:str = getline(l:line)

  let l:match = matchlist(l:str, '^\([ ]*\)\?\([-+*]\)\? \?\(.*\)$')

  if empty(l:match[2])
    let l:list_syn = '-'
    let l:list_syn = l:match[2]

  let l:buf = l:match[1] . l:list_syn . ' [ ] - ' . l:match[3]
  call setline(l:line, l:buf)

nnoremap <Leader>mc :call MarkdownCheckboxInsert()<CR>$

Now we can use shortcut \mc

  • m - Markdown
  • c - checkbox

You can also point to already existing line or list and this will transform your line to checkbox.