I have a Haproxy balancer that routes traffic for multiple projects with different host names and now, I need to enable HTTP/2.0 support for couple or all of them. The problem is that current version of Haproxy not supporting HTTP/2.0 protocol. Also, In my case I have multiple backends. To some of them I need to send http/1.1 traffic and to some of them http/2.0.
The main problem is the mix of tcp/http modes in Haproxy. Without it everything is simple. Just use tcp mode and that’s it. But here I need balancer to handle SSL for some projects, that’s why simple tcp mode is not the solution. Here is the idea.
One more requirement is to keep client ip. So, the final scheme will looks this way.
Now the most interesting part - configuration.
Haproxy must be built with OpenSSL that supports ALPN. This support was introduced in version 1.0.2. Haproxy ALPN support was implemented in 1.5-dev18 version.
maxconn 81920
tune.ssl.default-dh-param 2048
pidfile /run/haproxy.pid
stats socket /run/haproxy.sock level admin
mode http
option forwardfor
maxconn 20480
timeout connect 2s
timeout client 180000
timeout server 180000
stats enable
stats uri /status/
stats realm Name\ Yourself
stats auth name:password
frontend listen_http
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
use_backend project1 if { hdr(host) -i project1.domain.local }
default_backend project2-http
frontend listen_https
mode tcp
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ https
use_backend project1 if { ssl_fc_sni -i project1.domain.local }
use_backend project2-http2 if { ssl_fc_alpn -i h2 }
default_backend project2-https
backend project1
server project1 check
backend project2-http
server project2 check send-proxy
backend project2-https
mode tcp
server project2 check send-proxy ssl verify none
backend project2-http2
mode tcp
server project2 check send-proxy
reqadd X-Forwarded-Proto:\ http
Handle http->https redirect on backend side.
option forwardfor
Send client ip to http backends with header X-Forwarded-For.
bind ssl crt /etc/haproxy/ssl/cert_key.pem alpn h2 ciphers ...
Here we are terminating ssl and enabling support for http/2.0 over TLS with alpn h2
. Pay attention with ciphers, Google Chrome need strong ciphers to use.
use_backend project1 if { ssl_fc_sni -i project1.domain.local }
Use backend project1 if SSL SNI matches project1.domain.local. This is useful when we can’t use http mode and parse headers.
use_backend project2-http2 if { ssl_fc_alpn -i h2 }
Pass clients to project2-http2 backend if SSL ALPN field matches h2 (http/2.0).
backend project2-http2
mode tcp
server project2 check send-proxy
Enables proxy-protocol to send Client IP to the backend.
In nginx everything is pretty simple. Modifying listen attribute for http2 support. Nginx must be built with module ngx_http_v2_module. This module was introduced in version 1.9.5.
listen 8443 http2 proxy_protocol;
Thats it.